Djoelsbar - Veurne

Blanche De Bruges Brugs Tarwebier hoptail cocktail djoelsbar


  • 5 cl raspberry infused Naked Grouse Whisky*
  • 1 drop Peychaud bitter
  • 1/2 cl sugar syrup
  • 2 raspberries
  • 3 cl lemon juice
  • Top off with Blanche de Bruges


  • Raspberries
  • Salted granola biscuit


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in 5 cl raspberry infused whisky*.
  2. Add 1 drop Peychaud bitter and 1/2 cl sugar syrup.
  3. Then add 3 cl lemon juice, 2 raspberries and shake all the ingredients.
  4. Strain the cocktail above the glass and finish with Blanche de Bruges..
  5. Garnish with a salted granola biscuit and a raspberry.

*Extra: Raspberry infused whisky:

  1. Take a jar that can be sealed and fi ll it with raspberries all the way to the top.
  2. Pour the whisky over it.
  3. Close the jar and leave the whisky to infuse for 1 week. Do not forget to turn the jar
    every now and then during the process.
  4. Strain the whisky finely. The whisky will now have a raspberry flavour and the shelf
    life is infinite.